Mamma Elvira

Mamma Elvira


We are happy to share with you our passion for food and wine, for the beauty of the city of Lecce and the unique experiences it offers.

Mamma Elvira in its various expressions, from Enoteca , to Cucina , to Corte passing through Casa to our special Picnic events Picnic , is not only a place where food is prepared, but it is a great table for sharing, gathering experiences, laughter, and stories.

It is a place where time is spent together, important moments are shared, and memories are made.

  • La Cucina - Orecchiettoni con Rape o con Melanzane
  • 'Scante - Pezzetti di Cavallo al Sugo
  • 'Scante - Ciceri e Tria
  • 'Scante - Involtini di Vitello al Sugo
  • 'Scante - Linguine al Polpo
  • La Cucina - Tartare di Picanha di Podolica Nostrana
  • La Cucina - Linguine "Del Duca" alla Canapa con Cozze
  • La Cucina - Filetto di Vacca Vecchia
  • La Cucina - Orecchiettoni con Rape o con Melanzane
  • 'Scante - Pezzetti di Cavallo al Sugo
  • 'Scante - Ciceri e Tria
  • 'Scante - Involtini di Vitello al Sugo
  • 'Scante - Linguine al Polpo
  • La Cucina - Tartare di Picanha di Podolica Nostrana
  • La Cucina - Linguine "Del Duca" alla Canapa con Cozze
  • La Cucina - Filetto di Vacca Vecchia
Lecce Castello Carlo V Basilica di Santa Croce Cattedrale Maria Santissima Assunta Giardini Pubblici Anfiteatro Romano Piazza Sant'Oronzo Chiesa di Santa IreneCortedei Pandolfi Mamma Elvira Enoteca La Cucina di Mamma Elvira 'Scante CasaMamma Elvira

Lecce is a unique city.

Lecce is a city known throughout the world for the architectural richness of its Baroque and for a refined cuisine that makes the most of its territory, with a wide variety of legumes, vegetables, and grains.

The warmth of its stone envelops you, its light and colors accompany you along the alleys of the Old Town, like the scents of custard or tomato sauce cooked for hours.